
Featured Team Member – Keegan Dhue

by | Jul 3, 2019 | The Team | 0 comments

We’ve taken some business related questions and mixed in some personal ones, and interviewed our team members so you can get to know them better! Here meet Keegan Dhue – Employee #1!

Written by Rebecca Roberts

Written by Rebecca Roberts

Senior Partner

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What was your first job?

My first job was a grocery clerk & shopping cart collector at Vons

How did you get involved in marketing?

I was recruited when I was working at a deli to work with a Fortune 500 company in their sales department. Through that job, I became aware of the value of selling yourself and your brand.

What do you do at Bolt Goodly?

Lil’ bit of this & that –  web development, blogging, content creation, client fulfillment, analytics, social media.

What’s your favorite part of working for Bolt Goodly?

The entrepreneur environment that allows creativity, a direct say & input in the company’s growth, & adaptation of the ever-changing digital world.

What’s your biggest business lesson learned?

Get it in writing!! 

Where do see the digital marketing world in 5 years? 10 years?

I think we’ll continue toward highly automated systems and more virtual experiences with on-demand responses.

If you could give one piece of advice to potential clients, what would it be?

Communicate fearlessly – with your customers, your partners, your vendors – everyone.

Proudest business achievement? Personal achievement?

Hearing a client tell me I saved their business by taking the time to care about its employees vs. the commission I was making was a really proud business moment. Personally, my greatest achievement was surpassing my dad in troubleshooting his own computer.

What do you do in your free time?

I play hockey and a first-person shooter game called Counter-Strike.

What’s your favorite band?


What’s your favorite movie?

SLC punk

What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?

I am pretty sure I’m scared of the dark! Haha!


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