Our Vision
“We envision a company where rebellious, scrappy, creatives persevere and come together to meld their personal experiences to create one collective legacy. Bolt Goodly challenges the marketing industry with disruption, thought-provoking innovation, celebrated “non-political correctness”, authenticity, and a little bit of magic.”
-Bolt Goodly Cornerstone
For the Love of Marketing
Marketing is our craft, the internet is our sand box.
It’s a crazy world out there. SEO, SEM, CTR, CPA, Branding, Influencer marketing, Social Media, Google Ads, Ad Serving, Big Data, and the list goes on and on and on.
Here at Bolt Goodly, we take a consultative approach to meet our client’s needs at the business level where the rubber hits the road.
By doing this, we ensure the results from a well-deployed digital marketing campaign will be fruitful for our clients.
We take pride in being able to bring an academic and corporate level of management consulting combined with a deep technical background explained in a way that most people can understand.
Here are a few videos from our YouTube Expert Series so you can get the flavor of how we do business here at BG.
Who We Are
We collectively have over 100+ years of experience in business management consulting, sales and marketing.
The BG team brings high pedigree of academic knowledge utilizing six-sigma and Scrum methodology in our digital marketing campaign deployments.
Basically, we’re digital marketing ninjas with degrees and corporate experience.
Years of Combined Experience
Client Retention
The Goods
Here are the services we offer

Marketing Consulting
Turn that marketing frown upside down, we can help!

Actionable data to keep your business moving.

Marketing Automation
Increase engagement, customer service and sales.

Web Development
Award-winning, built-to-last and extremely functional.

We know. You want to be on the 1st page of Google. We got you!

Social Media
Turn your pages into funnels that actually produce.

Content Creation
Copywriting, video, graphic design and all that fancy stuff.
Read Our Case Studies
The BG Blog
The latest and greatest from the Bolt Goodly Blog
How to Effectively Work from Home During the Pandemic
Working from home can feel like a daunting task if you are not accustomed to it - but no fear! We've been doing it for a while and we have some definite experience and advice we can offer. You can do it too - and still be productive.More Blog Categories:How to...
How to link Google Analytics with Google Search Console
Google Analytics and Google Search Console might seem like they offer the same information, but there are some key differences between these two Google products. To get the most out of the information provided by Search Console and GA, you can link the accounts...
Submitting your Website’s sitemap to Google Search Console
Google’s search console gives you the tools and reports necessary to help you keep track of your website’s performance, fix any issues it may be experiencing, and overall help you make your website stand out from the competition. Setting it up properly is a process,...