How to Complete a Marketing Campaign Audit
Our marketing campaign audit is a very important part of our Research, Audit, and Strategy phase. This audit is very thorough and it takes quite a bit of time for us to analyze all of the data that is collected and it also takes a lot of time to collect.
5 Ways Organizational Behavior Can Affect Your Marketing Strategy
5 Ways Organizational Behavior Can Affect Your Marketing Strategy Marketing strategy, along with other aspects of a business, are not just surface ideas, but they intertwine deeply into the culture. There must be buy-in throughout the organization on the marketing...How to Perform a Technical Audit of a Website
A technical audit is a part of our Research, Audit, and Strategy phase that helps us determine if the groundwork is laid correctly in order for us to track the marketing campaigns that we’re going to be building for you.
Performing Initial Marketing Research on Your Organization
When we start to engage with you, we like to do some initial research on you and your organization, looking at your entire digital media footprint, learning as much as we can before we move forward with an official proposal.