Casey Combden
“Even if your ambitions are huge, start slow, start small, build gradually, build smart.” ~Gary Vaynerchuk

Casey Combden
Business Coach
Casey James is a Human Potential Specialist and a Master Mentor and Coach.
Casey is sought for his intuitive sense of the human psyche and his ability to amplify an individual’s capability and potential. Casey’s ability to directly impact the mindset and the actions of his clients is what makes him an invaluable resource to every business owner, leader, and organization that he empowers.
Casey’s dedication to excellence in his mental, emotional, physical and spiritual life brings energy and expertise to move thousands of people to take action in all environments. Casey’s exemplary practices empower business owners, leaders, and individuals to become deeply aware of their “Unique Ability” and move their potential into action and results.
Casey has generated significant results in the world of Network Marketing as he has created a sales and recruiting organization of 250,000+ during his involvement with Amway/Quixtar, selling hundreds of millions of dollars of product to his global organization.
An author of 5 books in the Networking Industry, Casey has spoken in front of and motivated millions in conventions around the world. His passion for empowering and inspiring people has been captured in the literally 100’s of audio and video recordings from the early 1990s to the present.
2015 – Casey founded the Next Level Networker online training and development platform as a living legacy to all network marketers. As one of the Top Network Marketers in the history of Canada, Casey’s proprietary training tools accelerate the results of all those that have chosen his method of network development.
2012 – Casey is the Founder of Human Potential International, an advance awareness organization specializing in a holistic approach to life and success, using Human Potential Life Map. His “Fast Forward Your Future,” 1 Day events, are life-changing for those that have chosen to attend.
2011-2013 – RETIRED. Invested Two Years to reflect on 45 Years of Life!
2000-2009 – Founder of Motivational Publishing Ventures Inc. – Publishing and Manufacturing company
2000-2009 – Founder of Motivated By Faith. – A Christian Non-Denominational Education Community
1998-2002 – Founder of the Combden Educational Institute Inc – Educational & Skills Training company
1995-2010 – Founder of Motivational Multimedia Technologies Inc. – Media & Software support company
1995-2010 – Founder of Motivational Event Services Inc – Event Management and Production company
1989-2010 – Amway/Quixtar: Top Canadian Producer for 21 years, 30 Million Dollar Earner
1983-1986 – RTA (Radio Television Arts) Grad Ryerson University Toronto
1981-1992 – Disc Jockey for DDJ’s, Became One of the Top DJ’s in the Toronto Night Club Industry
As a lifelong learner, Casey is a Master Practitioner of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), TLT (TimeLine Therapy), QCP (Quantum Change Process), General Hypnosis, and is certified in DISC, KOLBE, and is founder and creator of the Human Potential Life Map Technologies.
Casey’s experience expands outside the realms of just the networking profession. Casey has owned and partnered with many different enterprises in various verticals that support the networking profession. Casey is active in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom providing an unprecedented wealth of experience to every business and client he empowers,
Casey’s passion is helping people get better.